Have we lost our true focus or true north?

What is important to you? Your family? Have we lost our focus? Times change and yet some things remain the same. Whether you are young or old, family is still very important. Our family values and way of life are considered our true “North.” We’ve let technology and other things over the years get in the way of raising our families, going to church and being involved in our local communities. What can we change? Let’s explore our options.

Shop Local

In every town or rural America, you have the local mom and pop shops. These shops, along with other small entrepreneurs, make up the back bone of our country. Your local owned businesses are what makes each small town in America vibrant. This type of culture encourages creativity of the young and old. Together we build community and keeps a town thriving in good times and bad. A community that pulls together stays strong. Choosing good community leaders really makes a difference. Take an interest in your town or community government. What can you do? Buy local by shopping at your local stores and businesses. Invest your money in your town or community for future jobs.


Take ownership of your community and provide the youth of America with stability, confidence and future jobs as they grow up. The saying, “It takes a village” is true in many different areas of society. Our local churches, schools, dance studios, movie theaters, etc. provide opportunities to enrich the lives of our children to thrive in their local community. Know the people in your community. Why do we have homeless people? Where are their families? Where are the churches? No one should be homeless. Everyone plays a vital role in our communities. Where are the community swim teams, pee wee baseball, football, soccer, etc.? Volunteer at your local church, schools, etc. Get involved for your children and grand-children’s sake with your local school boards. What are they teaching our children? Teach your values to your children.

Be Informed

Freedom is precious. A great saying, “if you don’t stand for something, then you’ll fall for anything” possibly rings true for some of us today? Are you standing for freedom? Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” We can lose our freedoms in one generation by slowly losing them one at a time. Be an informed citizen. Being informed and up on current events is important. Getting active in community is vital to get to know your local community and state government officials as they make laws that impact future generations. Your voice will make a difference.

Church & Family

Attending church every Wednesday night and twice on Sundays played a developmental role in my childhood. Sunday school and church services instilled teachings about Jesus that I still hold dear today. It takes time and effort to attend church. The Bible verse in Proverbs 22 and verse 6, “Train up a child in the way that they should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse is a good life lesson. Set aside time for family meals and time to visit, read and play with your children. Invest time in them. Tell old family stories and keep plugged into your families. Where is Grandpa, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles and cousins? Your family is your daily community and your children will be the next generation.

I love God and America! Let’s keep our families and communities strong together!