The month of March, a dual personality?

March is a month of celebration of St. Patrick’s Day as well as the “Ides of March” warning that you typically hear. We all know what St. Patrick’s Day is about, but what about the Ides of March? Just hearing the phrase is a bit eerie. The phrase, “Ides of March” was actually coined by William Shakespeare in his play, “Beware the Ides of March.” The date this refers to on the Roman Calendar is March 15th. The Ides is actually the 15th of every month according to the Roman Calendar. Interesting! In addition, Saint Patrick’s Day is actually called, “Feast Day of Saint Patrick” and commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. I personally enjoy St. Patrick’s Day and the wearing of green! What about you?

In addition, March is also a great month for warmer, windy weather followed by refreshing rain showers. During March, we start thinking about spring and all of the wonderful weather ahead before the heat of summer. Gardening and enjoying the great outdoors is on my agenda! What do you plan to do?

As quick and gusty as the wind blows during March, the month suddenly ends. The much anticipated day of Easter is quickly ushered in near the end of March or early April. The celebration of Easter takes many forms: egg hunts, delicious brunches, Easter egg baskets and sunrise church services. I choose to celebrate the day by celebrating my risen Savior. Jesus is the reason I celebrate Easter. After church, a family gathering with a colorful egg hunt is always fun to do as well!